Monday, January 26, 2009

My Middle Name

"I hope that someday we will be able to put away our fears and prejudices and just laugh at people." - Jack Handy

Tact is not my middle name. Nor is Diplomacy. My name is not Diana "has a way with people" Sortor. I know this may come as a shock to those of you who know me, but I say really stupid, insensitive things on a regular basis. I say them to my friends. I say them to my family members. I say them to total strangers waiting in line at the grocery store. I raise my hand and say them at church. Basically, I keep trying to talk when I really shouldn't.

I used to be shy, you know. So shy that I was almost held back in the second grade because my teacher didn't think I could read. So shy that when my elementary-school crush of five years asked me if I wanted to be his reading partner I stood gaping at him until he felt uncomfortable and walked away. So shy that I missed out on friendship after friendship because I didn't know how to respond. So shy that I watched life pass me by for fear of exposing myself as the moron I am. So shy that I never expressed how I really felt to anyone. Of course, I grew up and grew out of that. At this point I think maybe I've become a little too comfortable. Maybe a little too expressive. There were definite advantages to keeping my mouth shut. True, I was unfulfilled and friendless, but on the upside I wasn't influencing others negatively. I wasn't embarrassing myself. People didn't dislike me. They nothinged me. I took comfort in that.

In a perfect world everyone would understand and like me for all my blundering. I could laugh at people when they fell down and they'd innately take that as a gesture of friendship. I could make random Nacho Libre references without having people think I'm off my rocker. I could be honest about my feelings concerning Twilight. But this isn't a perfect world.

And so to anyone out there I've offended or inadvertently ostracized I apologize. I really don't have anything against postal workers, Tom Selleck, people with mullets, or llamas. (But I do think they're funny.) For someone who enjoys words as much as I do, I seriously struggle forming thoughts into coherent sentences, especially in public. So, when I say "Heylop! Nothin'" I mean, "Why hello there my fine friend, what is up? Things are good with me as well." And when I say, "I'm easy. No. No. I never clean the toilets." I mean, "Sure, send your children over, because I understand your predicament, am not currently busy, and would like to assist you." When I try and give you a compliment that comes out, "I can't tell whether you're pregnant or not." I actually mean, "Even when you're pregnant you are as beautiful as you regularaly are." And lastly, when I announce, "I don't want Andy becoming a woman just to make me feel better." I mean to say, "I am grateful for the differences between men and woman even if they cause me some frustration. I like men. And I love Andy the way he is."

Yeah, my middle name isn't Eloquence. Its Lynne.


Shanana said...

My word verif: "honesseur" in "I have become an honesseur with my blunt statements."

And so you have, Diana Lynne. And I'm sure Tom Selleck will forgive you.

Annalisa said...

LOL, certainly make for good reading. Smiles!

Wayneman said...


That last sentence was absolutely PRICELESS.


BTW, I can totally relate, because I was much like you growing up.

I am much better expressing myself in the written word, though I still make an a** of myself on a pretty regular basis.

Wayneman said...

No offense, Mom :)

Angie said...

I wonder how many people have, after hearing me speak, sat back and wondered: Was she trying to speak English, or is she retarded, or both? Sometimes I wonder myself. So as inept as you may be at expressing yourself, you can be grateful that you're not as bad as me. That's the honest to goodness truth.

Wayneman said...

AngPang, after that incoherent rambling, we "award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul." - from 'Billy Madison'


Caleb's Co. said...

I can definitely relate to tripping over my words. However, I am even more used to tripping...literally.

No, Grace is not my middle name. It's Nicole.

BTW - my word veri is "spogaerc". This is definitely something I could have said, either when tripping over my words, or as an expletive on the way down to the ground.

Erika W said...

You aren't nearly as retarded as you make yourself out to be. I mean, I've heard you speak in public many a time and have never thought to myself, "Man, if she only knew just how retarded she sounded maybe she would sit down." Never once have I thought that. I have thought, "Man, she is my hero the way she makes comments in Sunday School. I could never make comments in Sunday School because I don't have any idea what these people are talking about anyway. I should read my scriptures more."

By the way, at least your parents gave you a middle name. Mine didn't. So now I can't say:

My middle name isn't "no clue what happened in 2 Nephi. It's Margaret." Because it isn't Margaret. It's nothing.

My word verification: Prono, not to be confrused with porno.

Di said...

Seriously, all of you are hilarious.

Wayneman said...


Angie said...

Hey, my Margaret IS middle nem. I mean...Margaret is MY middle name.

Wayneman said...

Hey AngPang, remember the time when Grandma Margie (your [middle] namesake) was driving away in her car, and we spied a Nine Inch Nails bumper sticker on her rear windshield?

That was funny.

You know what MY middle name is.

... now that's fitting. My word veri is "demon".

Lowe Family said...

Hey Diana! Thanks for access to your blog...I remember the shy quite diana :) Your family is beautiful!

Di said...

Why thankyou Christy :)

Mommalynne said...

Hey!!!??? What's wrong with "Lynne" for a middle name? Or do I detect a bit of sarcasm or undertones of subtle derision in your last sentence. I think Wayne detected something fishy about it.

I never thought you were lip-tripped! I do think you are eloquent in your comediana way!

AND, Hi Christy!!!So glad to see you and your fam!! How are the rest of the Lymans?? Tell them I said "hi"