Friday, September 26, 2008

This Fetus is Sucking Away My Life Force.

This fetus is sucking away my life force.


Annie Jensen said...

Only 203 days to go. That's only 4,872 hours or so...Hang in there!

Erika W said...

Our fetuses (or is it feti) must be friends and have some sort of twisted pact to see which one can make their host mother more miserable and depressed. Due to the horrid things I've been through this month (don't even ask - you don't want to know the latest) I think my fetus is winning.

Erika W said...

By the way, since when do you think you'll be giving birth to an
African American baby?

Di said...

When I first started dating Andy I was taking an anthropology class at LDSBC and we were learning about different tribes in Africa. There was one tribe of very tall, very skinny Africans that looked remarkably like Andy only somewhat darker. That, plus the fact that there aren't too many Europeans runnning around with waterproof hair led me theorize on Andy's heritage.

That plus the little white babies looked creepy.

Wayneman said...

So, Diana.

Are you trying to bate me into some sort of estrogen-filled trap with this post?

You HAD to know that I would walk straight into it with some stupid-man, insensitive comment that'll make everybody who reads this blog hate me.

But, alas! I CAN refrain from shooting off with my mouth (or keyboard in this case).

And I just did.


The day is mine!

Mommalynne said...

So sorry, Honey.

Shanana said...

You're almost in the second trimester range. Hopefully the little life-sucker will relent soon!

Di said...

If this fetus acts the same way as my last two fetus'(which it has so far) My nasea will start backing down around 14-15 weeks. So I probably have another month, give or take.

Chrystal said...
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Chrystal said...

UGH, UGH, UGH! I wish all the tricks really worked - - like gingersnaps or scotch mints, or spearmint gum, or gingerale, or Salt and vinegar potato chips, or homemade chickensoup, or Starburst candies, or lemon water, or just knowing that sickness is a good sign that your body is doing exactly what it is supposed to to build a baby and will pass. I'd be happy to do a store run for you ANYTIME if you want to try any ofe these...Don't let that fetus suck your WHOLE life force away ;)