Monday, March 29, 2010

Perchance I Flipped You Off in Traffic.

Believe it or not there are people out there who do not like me. I've tried explaining this to my mother but she just looks at me like I'm insane. Kinda like I just told her I've settled on becoming a chicken. Then she gets that knowing look; "Is this some kind of prank? Am I on that stupid show?" Then she just gets straight up pissed because why WHY! would I even say something so ridiculous unless it was designed to make her mad? When all along I was simply stating a fact.

Some people simply do not like me. It could have something to do with the fact that I'm a huge nerd that dresses in costume whenever the occasion allows. Or maybe that I tend to take the joke too far. Perhaps I'm too open with my very particular tastes and opinions. Maybe its my hair. Maybe its my glasses. Maybe its my sense of humor. Maybe its because I'm somewhat lame. Maybe its the way I talk or don't talk. Or smell? Or it could be that I'm really really friggin nice and awesome. Who the heck knows?

I don't know and I don't care. Yes I do. But as Andy says, its something I'm going to have to accept. In a perfect world no one would misunderstand your quirks. Or stereotype you. Or judge you before knowing you. And everyday would be either cool and sunny or warm and rainy. And hydrangeas would grow lush in Utah, and chocolate tortes w/ strawberries would be served breakfast lunch and dinner. And I would have very little to blog about.


Mommalynne said...
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Di said...

Sorry Mo, no swearing.

Caleb's Co. said...

I know we haven't gotten to spend much time together over the years, but I can tell from your blog that... I LIKE YOU! I REALLY LIKE YOU!

And all your quirkiness just makes you more interesting :)

the nice one said...

Di-i'm so glad i'm not the only one that some people don't like! i've thought about it but often come to the conclusion that i'm totally awesome and if people can't see that it's their loss. then i think maybe it's cause i'm so full of myself!

Tiffanie said...

You just made a list of all the reasons why I absolutely adore you!

Erika W said...

I don't know anyone who doesn't like you! (I'm making that face that your mom makes right now, the one where I think your insane for thinking people don't like you).

As our mom's always told us when we were younger, those who don't like us are just jealous!

Chrystal said...

I remember learning this hard, heavy fact (not everyone likes me) as a child and being pretty darn bummed about it...but I got hugs and smiles from the people who did like me and decided that would get me through. So, add me to the very long list of people who really, really like you and add my voice to the 'WHATEVER's to those who don't like you (i.e. in traffic). . .

Wayneman said...

LOL! I'm not sure what is funnier - your blog post, or Mo's deleted comment and your response :D

BTW, if you're like me, I seek validation via people NOT liking me...

Twisted, huh? Therapy, anyone?

monique said...

You are a sweet funny one! I totally like that about you. Erika is right those that don't find you as charming as we do are just jealous. I think it's funny that we sometimes get that realization as adults, that someone may not like us. It is like we are in 4th grade all over again. Despite our best efforts we cann't do anything about it. Just move on and count your true friends as blessings. Of course we still try to be nice, but move on from worrying what "they" think. Happy Day Liked One!

Mommalynne said...

I plead innocent!

Mommalynne said...

Wayne, You stink!

Wayneman said...

@ Mo. No, I don't. I shower every day...

Shanana said...

I really liked you until you went to the Muse concert, and now I just envy you. :o)

But I also think you are a perfect blend of sattire, sass, style, and wit. So who gives a crap if other people don't like you. I DO! and that's all you need, eh?

Wayneman said...

Seriously, Di. If Shana likes you, you don't need any more than that ;)

Di said...

SO true :)